Java and XML / Brett McLaughlin and Justin Edelson.

AUTOR: Brett McLaughlin -  Justin Edelson
ISBN: 059610149X
AÑO: 2006

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Thorough knowledge of both Java and XML is indispensable if developers want to build modern web applications. Because both languages are platform independent, they are ubiquitous in the world of web development, and the combination of the two allows enterprises to lower the costs of information sharing for e-commerce and other high-octane web applications and services. Our third edition of Java & XML is ideal for any Java developer who wants to take advantage of XML without having to become an expert on the markup language. So, unlike other XML titles, this book is written from a Java developer's point of view, and assumes no prior knowledge of XML. The new edition has been thoroughly revised with coverage of Java 5.0 as well as new standards for SOAP, a key web services technology that works with XML and provides a central part of Microsoft's .NET platform.

Preface 1. Introduction XML 1.0 XML 1.1 XML Transformations And More... 2. Constraints DTDs XML Schema RELAX NG 3. SAX Setting Up SAX Parsing with SAX Content Handlers Error Handlers 4. Advanced SAX Properties and Features Resolving Entities Notations and Unparsed Entities The DefaultHandler Class Extension Interfaces Filters and Writers 5. DOM The Document Object Model Serialization Modifying and Creating XML Namespaces 6. DOM Modules Checking for Module Support DOM Level 2 Modules DOM Level 3 Modules 7. JAXP More Than an API Parsing XML Processing XSL XPath XML Validation 8. Pull Parsing with StAX StAX Basics StAX Factories Parsing with StAX Document Output with StAX Factory Properties Common Issues with StAX XmlPull 9. JDOM The Basics PropsToXML XMLProperties More JDOM Classes JDOM and Factories Common Issues with JDOM 10. dom4j Overview Reading and Writing with dom4j Document Traversal Transformations Special-Purpose Factories 11. Data Binding with JAXB Data Binding Basics Introducing JAXB Using JAXB Other Binding Frameworks 12. Content Syndication with RSS What Is RSS? Creating an RSS Feed Reading an RSS Feed Modules with ROME 13. XML As Presentation XML and the Model-View-Controller Pattern Transforming to HTML with JSP Using XSLT Ajax Flash 14. Looking Forward Appendix:. SAX Features and Properties Index.